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2014 Georgiana Slough Floating Fish Guidance Structure Performance Evaluation - GSNPB-14_Legacy_Reports v2

In an effort to identify potential engineering approaches to reduce the percentage of salmonids that migrate from the Sacramento River into Georgiana Slough, DWR implemented a large-scale testing program in 2011 and 2012 to assess the effectiveness of a non-physical barrier design (i.e., a Bio-Acoustic Fish Fence, or BAFF). The experimental design of the 2011 and 2012 tests used acoustically tagged juvenile Chinook salmon and steelhead (2012 only), released upstream of the BAFF when the barrier was ‘On’ and ‘Off’ (i.e., in operation or not in operation, respectively), to determine the effectiveness of the barrier. In 2014, a physical barrier called a Floating Fish Guidance Structure (FFGS) was tested, with methods similar to those used during the testing of the BAFF barriers in 2011 and 2012. This report presents the results of the tests conducted in 2014 using the FFGS (2014 GSFFGS Study).

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