This dataset is from the 2013 California Dietary Practices Survey of Adults. This survey has been discontinued. Adults were asked a series of eight questions about their physical activity practices in the last month. These questions were borrowed from the Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System. Data displayed in this table represent California adults who met the aerobic recommendation for physical activity, as defined by the 2008 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and Objectives 2.1 and 2.2 of Healthy People 2020. The California Dietary Practices Surveys (CDPS) (now discontinued) was the most extensive dietary and physical activity assessment of adults 18 years and older in the state of California. CDPS was designed in 1989 and was administered biennially in odd years up through 2013. The CDPS was designed to monitor dietary trends, especially fruit and vegetable consumption, among California adults for evaluating their progress toward meeting the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Healthy People 2020 Objectives. For the data in this table, adults were asked a series of eight questions about their physical activity practices in the last month. Questions included: 1) During the past month, other than your regular job, did you participate in any physical activities or exercise such as running, calisthenics, golf, gardening or walking for exercise? 2) What type of physical activity or exercise did you spend the most time doing during the past month? 3) How many times per week or per month did you take part n this activity during the past month? 4) And when you took part in this activity, for how many minutes or hours did you usually keep at it? 5) During the past month, how many times per week or per month did you do physical activities or exercises to strengthen your muscles? Questions 2, 3, and 4 were repeated to collect a second activity. Data were collected using a list of participating CalFresh households and random digit dial, approximately 1,400-1,500 adults (ages 18 and over) were interviewed via phone survey between the months of June and October. Demographic data included gender, age, ethnicity, education level, income, physical activity level, overweight status, and food stamp eligibility status. Data were oversampled for low-income adults to provide greater sensitivity for analyzing trends among our target population.
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