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California Recreational Fisheries Survey, Catch Per Unit Angler for All Species and All Effort - R7 - 2004-2022 - CDFW [ds3186]

The data is reported in Catch Per Unit Angler (CPUA) which is a simple calculation of the number of fish caught divided by the number of anglers targeting the fishery type within a particular 1’ block in a given period. CRFS Catch records for all caught species were aggregated into 5-year bins from 2004-2022 as well as the entire period. All catch of these species were summed and attributed to the blocks (1’ x 1’ area) which were recorded during the survey interview. If multiple blocks were recorded, then the catch data was divided across all blocks indicated. Catch data is further divided into ‘kept’ and ‘released’ fish which is used to calculate a CPUA for only kept fish and a CPUA for both kept and released fish. The total number of anglers targeting any species in each block was calculated for each time frame. An angler represents a single person fishing in a block on a single day. The data is limited to blocks that had 3 or more reported fishing trips over the entire time period. Effort under the ‘All’ trip type is an aggregation of all anglers surveyed. This includes anglers from specific trip types such as highly migratory, salmon, bottomfish, coastal migratory, inshore, other anadromous, invertebrates and anything.Raw data from 2004 – 2015 was extracted from the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) legacy RecFIN database. Data from 2016 – 2022 was extracted from the CDFW’s CRFS data system. The data is divided into reported catch (includes reported kept, reported released alive, and reported released dead), observed kept catch, effort and location tables. Attributes:Block: 1’ grid where the data was reported.Catch: The species or the name of the species group whose individual catch records were aggregated. Trip Type: Trip type category that includes the primary target species for the angler that was aggregated. This layer is an aggregation of all angler effort. All_04_09: CPUA for both kept and released catch for 2004-2009. All_10_15: CPUA for both kept and released catch for 2010-2015. All_16_20: CPUA for both kept and released catch for 2016-2020. All_21_23: CPUA for both kept and released catch for 2021-2023. Kept_04_09: CPUA for only kept catch for 2004-2009. Kept_10_15: CPUA for only kept catch for 2010-2015. Kept_16_20: CPUA for only kept catch for 2016-2020. Kept_21_23: CPUA for only kept catch for 2021-2023. CPUA_All: CPUA for both kept and released catch for the entire 2004-2022 period. CPUA_Kept: CPUA for only kept catch for the entire 2004-2022 period. This field is used as the source of the symbology for this layer. Gray blocks represent where effort occurred, but no catch was reported. Samples: The number of individual survey samples that reported fishing in block for the entire period.

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California Recreational Fisheries Survey, Catch Per Unit Angler for All Species and All Effort - R7 - 2004-2022 - CDFW [ds3186]










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California Recreational Fisheries Survey, Catch Per Unit Angler for All Species and All Effort - R7 - 2004-2022 - CDFW [ds3186]


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