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Crop Index Model

Cropland Index The Cropland Index evaluates lands used to produce crops based on the following input datasets: Revised Storie Index, California Important Farmland data, Electrical Conductivity (EC), and Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR). Together, these input layers were used in a suitability model to generate this raster. High values are associated with better CroplandsCalifornia Important Farmland data – statistical data used for analyzing impacts on California’s agricultural resources from the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program. Agricultural land is rated according to soil quality and irrigation status. The maps are updated every two years (on even numbered years) with the use of a computer mapping system, aerial imagery, public review, and field reconnaissance. Cropland Index Mask - This is a constructed data set used to define the model domain. Its footprint is defined by combining the extent of the California Important Farmland data (2018) classifications listed above and the area defined by California Statewide Crop Mapping for the state of California.Prime Farmland – farmland with the best combination of physical and chemical features able to sustain long term agricultural production. This land has the soil quality, growing season, and moisture supply needed to produce sustained high yields. Land must have been used for irrigated agricultural production at some time during the four years prior to the mapping date.Farmland of Statewide Importance – farmland similar to Prime Farmland but with minor shortcomings, such as greater slopes or less ability to store soil moisture. Land must have been used for irrigated agricultural production at some time during the four years prior to the mapping date. Unique Farmland – farmland of lesser quality soils used for the production of the state’s leading agricultural crops. This land is usually irrigated but may include Non irrigated orchards or vineyards as found in some climatic zones in California. Land must have been cropped at some time during the four years prior to the mapping date. Gridded Soil Survey Geographic Database (gSSURGO) – a database containing information about soil as collected by the National Cooperative Soil Survey over the course of a century. The information can be displayed in tables or as maps and is available for most areas in the United States and the Territories, Commonwealths, and Island Nations served by the USDA-NRCS. The information was gathered by walking over the land and observing the soil. Many soil samples were analyzed in laboratories. California Revised Storie Index - is a soil rating based on soil properties that govern a soil’s potential for cultivated agriculture in California. The Revised Storie Index assesses the productivity of a soil from the following four characteristics: Factor A, degree of soil profile development; factor B, texture of the surface layer; factor C, slope; and factor X, manageable features, including drainage, microrelief, fertility, acidity, erosion, and salt content. A score ranging from 0 to 100 percent is determined for each factor, and the scores are then multiplied together to derive an index rating.Electrical Conductivity - is the electrolytic conductivity of an extract from saturated soil paste, expressed as Deci siemens per meter at 25 degrees C. Electrical conductivity is a measure of the concentration of water-soluble salts in soils. It is used to indicate saline soils. High concentrations of neutral salts, such as sodium chloride and sodium sulfate, may interfere with the adsorption of water by plants because the osmotic pressure in the soil solution is nearly as high as or higher than that in the plant cells. Sodium Adsorption Ratio - is a measure of the amount of sodium (Na) relative to calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in the water extract from saturated soil paste. It is the ratio of the Na concentration divided by the square root of one-half of the Ca + Mg concentration. Soils that have SAR values of 13 or more may be characterized by an increased dispersion of organic matter and clay particles, reduced saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) and aeration, and a general degradation of soil structure.

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