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CUPA Boundary Zone Lookup

This application allows users to enter an address, manually select a point on a map, or draw a polygon to identify the agency responsible for responding to a hazardous materials incident.Users will be able to identify contact information and programs offered by each CUPA or PA that intersects with the user input and filters. For more information, see Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA).  DEFINITIONSCUPA: Certified Unified Program Agency PA: Participating Agency- agency having a formal agreement with a CUPA to implement and enforce one or more program elements as part of the Unified Program

Data files

No files available

Supporting files

Data title and descriptionAccess dataFile detailsLast updated

ArcGIS Hub Dataset


ArcGIS GeoService


API endpoint

Dataset Name

Use the query web API to retrieve data with a set of basic parameters. Copy the API endpoint you need to start.

Usage documentation