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In-Hospital Mortality Trends by Diagnosis Type


Published by:
Department of Health Care Access and Information
Last updated:
July 4, 2024
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This dataset provides counts of in-hospital deaths in three hospital settings (inpatient discharges, emergency department, and ambulatory surgery). The data is categorized by the following common health conditions/categories: anxiety, asthma, behavioral syndromes, cancer, cardiac arrest, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), COVID-19, depression, diabetes, homeless, hypertension, mood disorders (excluding depression), non-mood psychotic disorders, nonpsychotic disorders (excluding anxiety), obesity, pneumonia, respiratory arrest/failure, sepsis, stroke, substance use disorders, and unspecified mental disorders. These diagnosis groupings are further categorized as primary or secondary diagnosis based on ICD-10 codes assigned by the healthcare facility during the encounter.

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