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i08 CriticallyOverdraftedBasins

Table that can be joined to the i08_B118_CA_Groundwater Basins using the field Basin_Subbasin_Number to select only those basins that are designated to be critically overdrafted according to DWR Bulletin 118. In February 2019, DWR released the final 2018 Basin Boundary Modifications, which affected nine critically overdrafted basins. The modified basins subject to critical conditions of overdraft are shown on the Critically Overdrafted Basins Map and will be presented in the Bulletin 118 Update 2020. For the 2018 Basin Boundary Modifications, 10 modifications were completed that involved 9 of the 21 COD basins identified in Bulletin 118-2016. Eight (8) of the 10 modifications were minor (relatively small areas being added to, or removed from, a basin) and COD designation was unchanged. Two (2) of the 10 modifications were major (relatively large areas being added to, or removed from, a basin) and COD designation required evaluation for Paso Robles subbasin and Los Osos basin. The 2018 list of 21 COD basins is the same as the 2016 list, with one minor exception (new Los Osos Valley – Los Osos Area subbasin). See https://water.ca.gov/Programs/Groundwater-Management/Bulletin-118/Critically-Overdrafted-Basins for more information.

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