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Immunizations in First Grade by Academic Year

This dataset contains immunization status of first grade students in California in schools. Explanation of the different immunizations is in the attached data dictionary. The California Health and Safety Code Section 120325-75 requires students to provide proof of immunization for school and child care entry. Additionally, California Health and Safety Code Section 120375 and California Code of Regulation Section 6075 require all schools and child care facilities to assess and report annually the immunization status of their enrollees. The first grade assessment was added in fall 2021 to monitor compliance of the kindergarten cohort impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic with the California School Immunization law. Results from this assessment are used to measure immunization coverage among students entering first grade. Not all schools reported. This data set presents results from the first grade assessment and immunization coverage in first grade by school and county. To see the PDF reports by year go to:https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/Immunization/School/reporting.aspx See the attached file 'Notes on Methods' for data suppression.

Data files

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Immunizations in First Grade 2021-2022 Academic School Year


Supporting files

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Notes on Methods - First Grade 2021-2022


Immunizations Categories-First Grade


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