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Live Birth Profiles by ZIP Code

This dataset contains counts of live births to California residents by ZIP Code based on information entered on birth certificates. Final counts are derived from static data and include out-of-state births to California residents. The data tables include births to residents of California by ZIP Code of residence (by residence). Note that ZIP Codes are intended for mail delivery routing and do not represent geographic regions. ZIP Codes are subject to change over time and may not represent the same locations between different time periods. All ZIP Codes in the list of California ZIP Codes used for validation are included for all years, but this does not mean that the ZIP Code was in use at that time.

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1982-2022 Final Births by Year by ZIP Code

This dataset contains counts of live births to California residents by ZIP Code based on information entered on birth certificates. Final counts are derived from static data and include out-of-state births to California residents. The data tables include births to residents of California by ZIP Code of residence (by residence). Note that ZIP Codes are intended for mail delivery routing and do not represent geographic regions. ZIP Codes are subject to change over time and may not represent the same locations between different time periods. All ZIP Codes in the list of California ZIP Codes used for validation are included for all years, but this does not mean that the ZIP Code was in use at that time.


Data Dictionary - Births by ZIP Code


2020-2022 Final Births by Month by ZIP Code

This dataset contains counts of live births to California residents by ZIP Code based on information entered on birth certificates. Final counts are derived from static data and include out-of-state births to California residents. The data tables include births to residents of California by ZIP Code of residence (by residence). Note that ZIP Codes are intended for mail delivery routing and do not represent geographic regions. ZIP Codes are subject to change over time and may not represent the same locations between different time periods. All ZIP Codes in the list of California ZIP Codes used for validation are included for all years, but this does not mean that the ZIP Code was in use at that time.


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