CPFV - Number of Fish Caught from All Fisheries from All Ports Map
Tabular data from California Department of Fish and Wildlife CPFV logbook data was summarized to landing blocks to show the spatial extent of the number of anglers and number of fish caught by fishery, port, and region. Spatial data sets were created for each port for the fisheries of interest. For regional or all port data sets, port level data was aggregated by summing each port by the ports total number of anglers/fish caught for this fishery in 2012 which was taken from California Department of Fish and Wildlife. This data set represents the spatial extent and number of fish caught for barred sand bass, California barracuda, kelp bass, Pacific bonito, mackerel, rockfish, sanddab, scallop, California scorpionfish, ocean whitefish, and yellowtail CPFV fishing grounds for the South Coast Region in the pre MPA years (averaged between 2000-2011) and the post MPA year of 2012.