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Res-Indoor Budget: SDWIS Residential Population


Published by:
California State Water Resources Control Board
Last updated:
December 17, 2024
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51.47 KB
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Consistent with Health and Safety Code section 116530 and California Code of Regulations title 22 §64412, public water systems report the population served during a specified reporting period and the population type, which can be reported as either Residential (R), Non-Transient (N), Transient (T), or Wholesale (W). This table contains residential (R) population data for public water systems owned and operated by urban retail water suppliers. ["Residential"](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drinking_water/certlic/drinkingwater/documents/ear/ear-help-tips.pdf) refers to the number of persons who reside within the water system service area for more than half of the year. For each system, the R-population value represents the most recently reported and most contemporary value for the prior state fiscal year (July to June). The table also contains the beginning date for the period in which the water system has served the reported R-population. Public Water System data, including population, can be viewed using [Drinking Water Watch](https://sdwis.waterboards.ca.gov/PDWW/). If the population values identified in this dataset need to be revised, please contact the appropriate State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water [district office](https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drinking_water/programs/documents/ddwem/DDWdistrictofficesmap.pdf) and update accordingly. The Division of Drinking Water has documented the procedure to request population changes outside of the Electronic Annual Report [here](https://data.ca.gov/dataset/c69ac02b-adfb-459a-bc58-bf69a8b572d2/resource/0ba8a039-9459-4796-916d-179cf0da6173/download/guidance_changing-population-procedure.pdf).

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