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WQIP Quarterly Performance Report #1


Published by:
California Department of Health Care Services
Last updated:
July 6, 2024
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This is the Quarterly Performance Report #1 for the Workforce & Quality Incentive Program (WQIP) for PY 1, 2023. WQIP is a directed payment program that incentivizes Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) to improve quality of care as measured by improved workforce and quality metrics. This program succeeds the former Quality and Accountability Supplemental Payment (QASP) program. The data set provides for the following WQIP metrics: acuity-adjusted staffing, staffing completeness, staffing turnover, MDS clinical metrics, MDS data completeness, claims-based clinical metrics, Medi-Cal disproportionate share metric, and MDS racial and ethnic data completeness. The data set will include the distribution of facility-level scores for the currently available performance period data, as well as a comparison to the benchmark values for the MDS clinical and acuity-adjusted staffing hour metrics. If you need to reference the source for the HCAI IDs used in the Quarterly Performance Report #1, you can find it at [ELMS-OSHPD - Licensed and Certified Healthcare](https://data.chhs.ca.gov/dataset/licensed-facility-crosswalk/resource/cf954841-9ca7-4914-a31f-29ca12c7b71a/ "ELMS-OSHPD - Licensed and Certified Healthcare").

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